Became QuicklyPro specialist
Train anytime, anywhere on Quicklypro devices through our training platform and become a specialist
Little time to dedicate to training?
Would you like to stay updated on the latest news in your field but can't find the time to dedicate to training to adopt innovative tools?
The solution of your training!
QuicklyPro makes its online training platform available to everyone for free, allowing you to train at any time of the day when it is most convenient for you.
Access our platform and start training anytime, anywhere.
Complete courses and get certified as a Q-Walk specialist.

Certification allows you to:
We have developed a number of additional services to thank you and enhance all the professionals who choose us
- Increase your skills
- Increase patient pool
- Join community
- Map placement
- Social media post/story
- Q-Walk specialist certificate
Access and start the training today
QuicklyPro's device
Our devices are designed to have simplified usability by the professional and the patient.
In order to achieve improved therapeutic efficacy, the professional has a primary importance

- Wearable device for gait and balance rehabilitation
- Different types of exercises
- Ease of use
- Personalized visual feedback
- Engagement
- Continuum of care

- Patient data management
- Creation and assignment of rehabilitation plans
- Monitoring of rehabilitation therapy
- Tele-consultation
- Possibility of integration with other products the services

- Tele-consultation
- Q-Walk Connection
- Step-by-step training guide
- Data collection from Q-Walk
- “Acoustic feedback” function
- Notifications for patient engagement
Access and start the training today